Billy is a cat who lives with the Booth family at the Balmoral estate in Aberdeenshire in Scotland. Billy was a stray and abandoned cat that was taken in by the charity Cat's Protection and then subsequently adopted by the Booth family. Billy is an Autism Light because of the positive difference he has made in the life of Fraser Booth, a 4 year old boy with autism who is part of his adopted family.
Fraser's mother Louise said:
"If Fraser is around or playing in the garden, Billy is never far away. It is like he is watching Fraser and calming his behaviour. He always appears when Fraser is getting upset and offfers his head close to Fraser's to reassure him and recently, when Fraser was poorly, Billy sat on his lap all day. They say animals can sense things, but Billy seems to know before anybody else if Fraser is going to get upset (Source)."Through this new relationship with a cat named Billy, Fraser has come out of his shell and many other positive behavior changes have occurred. To see some beautiful pictures of Billy and Fraser interacting with each other go to the article at Mail Online called "How Love of Billy the Stray Cat has Finally Brought 4 year old Autistic Boy Out of Shell" (Source).
Mrs. Booth said to the Mail Online, "Bill has made a complete difference to our family life, he's taken away the stress, he's added happiness and an air of calm, he's just been amazing (Source)."
Special thanks to Billy Booth for being a hero to a boy with autism named Fraser. Billy Booth is a wonderful representative for cats at Autism Light. If you like this story you may want to read about the first cat featured at Autism Light called Clover Manerling. She was part of a story on JR Manerling at this link.
Autism Light honors diverse heroes to the world of autism.
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