Bekah Cheppenko is from Sioux Falls, South Dakota and is the mother of a son named Skyler who has autism. Bekah Cheppenko works as a property manager and was selected as Mrs. South Dakota International in 2012. She is an Autism Light because of her promotion of autism awareness as she shares her son Skyler's story.
On her Facebook page, Bekah Cheppenko describes herself this way:
I am married to a wonderful and supportive man, Kevin Cheppenko. We have 3 beautiful children and 2 very silly dogs. My most prized possesion is my family, they keep me humble and make me strong (Source).Autism Light asked Bekah Cheppenko if she had any words of encouragement for the autism community and she emailed the following on July 26, 2012:
The most important thing for people to remember is that ones ability or disability is only a small part of who they are. Disabilities do not determine ones worth or value nor should they dictate what that individual desires out of life or strives to achieve. If you think you can or you think that you can't, you are right...never decide for someone else what their potential is in life. Never debilitate a person because of their diagnosis. Anyone can have a disability but you have to allow that disability to have you, we choose not to give Skylers autism control over him. It is one small part of who he is and it does not determine his capabilities in his day to day living. I've seen people without legs win races and people with no arms paint masterpieces. Skyler will do anything he puts his mind to and just like anyone who's been diagnosed with a disability the sky truly is the limit as long as we don't get in the way of that persons dreams. A friend once told me "what God has for you will not pass by you". Keep you head high and your hopes higher. Society needs labels for disabilies but God calls us all by name!The following is an autism awareness video of Bekah Cheppenko sharing her son Skyler's autism story. In the video she says, "The most important thing I think people need to understand is that autistic or not, he has feelings. And just making people aware that regardless of your ability or your disability everybody wants to be loved-everyone wants to be accepted, and that's all Skyler wants and that's all we want for him."
Mrs. South Dakota International: Bekah Cheppenko was selected as Mrs. South Dakota International in the South Dakota International pagents. Bekah Cheppenko will be a contestant in the Mrs. International pagent held July 20-21, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. She has a contestant page at the Mrs. International website.
Walk Now for Autism Speaks: Bekah Cheppenko was the leader of Team Skyler at a Walk Now for Autism Speaks in South Dakota.
Hobbies: Bekah Cheppenko owns a jet ski and was featured in the June, 2012 issue of Motor Market Magazine (see page 60).
Social Media: You can follow Bekah Cheppenko on the following social media:
Special thanks to Bekah Cheppenko for being an Autism Light and helping raise awareness of the needs of autism. Bekah Cheppenko is the first Autism Light from the State of South Dakota. We look forward to hearing more about her autism work in the future.
Autism Light honors diverse heroes to the world of autism.
Photo: The photo in this post is used with permission of Bekah Cheppenko.
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