Leonard Williams is from Riverton, Wyoming. He is 21 years old and has autism. Leonard Williams is an Autism Light because he operates a business called Autisticks, an art based business which brightens people's lives by offering handmade walking sticks.
The walking sticks that Autisticks sells are handcrafted. Leonard Williams selects them uniquely from nature, shapes them creatively, and puts the finishes touches on them.
More Information: For more information on Leonard Williams' life and business read the following articles online.
- Kelsey Dayton's article called Walking Sticks Provide Support For Autistic Man is an excellent article to learn more about Leonard's life growing up with autism and how Autisticks was started. The article has several photos of Leonard at work in his craft.
- Leslie Stratmoen did a KVOW Radio Chit Chat with Leonard Williams that is available as an mp3 file.
- The Wyoming Arts blogger blog did a write up on Leonard Williams on January 3, 2012.
Special thanks to Leonard Williams for being an example of what an adult with autism can do to contribute to the world in such a creative and meaningful way. Leonard Williams is a light to the possibilities that emerge for people beyond limitations resulting from autism. Autism Light also recognizes the esteemed help that Leonard receives in this venture from his mother, Debra Williams.
Autism Light honors diverse heroes to the world of autism.
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