Darlene Borre is from Manchester, Connecticut. Her son Ben is in 4th grade and has autism. Darlene Borre is a former attorney and presently works from home as a claims adjuster. Darlene Borre is the co-founder of All Seasons Community (All Seasons Academy), a nonprofit with the mission to build capacity to be able to supply housing needs for adults with autism in the West Hartford, Connecticut area. Darlene Borre is an Autism Light because of her fundraising efforts on behalf of families with autism.
Motivated by her own experiences as a mother of a son with autism, Darlene's immediate goal for All Seasons Community is to raise funds to give free 'sensory home makeovers' for families with children with autism. Darlene Borre wrote this about her fundraising passion:
I have a job, so if we have to get an indoor swing, I'll get an indoor swing. But not everyone can afford it, or even know that they need it (Source).On Saturday, October 29, 2011, All Seasons Community, will hold its first Harvest fundraiser to raise funds for these 'sensory home makeovers'. It will be held at the following location.
Zachs Community Room at University of Connecticut's School of Social Work
179 Asylum Avenue
West Hartford, Connecticut
The event will be a catered meal from 6 to 9 p.m. and will include a Silent Auction. Admission is only $20. If you are in the West Hartford, Connecticut area please consider participating in this event.
If you would like to nominate a family for the home makeover send their name to info@allseasonacademy.org. Makeovers may include equipment such as swings or weighted blankets as well as home renovations such as painting walls. Marie Mancini and Melissa Broxton, occupational therapists with Advanced Therapy Solutions in Wethersfield, Connecticut, have volunteered to do free at-home consultations with this project.
More information on Darlene Bore and her fundraising efforts can be found at the following links.
- Hartford Courant Article on Oct. 25, 2011
- Guest Blog for Hartford Courant (2009)
- All Seasons Academy Blog
Thank you Darlene Borre for being an Autism Light and raising money for 'sensory home makeovers'. You are truly representative of a group of parents taking it upon themselves to raise money to assist other parents, who have children with autism but do not have the financial resources to be able to afford all of autism's tremendous costs.
Autism Light honors diverse heroes to the world of autism.
This Autism Light post was mentioned in the CANadda Daily on October 28, 2011.
This Autism Light post went into syndication at Autisable.
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